Sunday, November 26, 2006

3 weeks left in ISU
i do feel sad. .and i have made a couple of friends here. partings are never easy.
n the nxt 3 weeks will be very hectic.since exams are around the corner and projects are due.
but i'll cherish my remaining time in ISU

my trip was fun. california was pretty.chicago was exciting n scary! i have too many things to blog about. maybe i'll do so when i am back in Singapore. or do up a scrap bk or stuff.

and of cos.not forgetting my dear acksx. congrats to aloy.. finally. kai ling is once again the only one in singlehood in the acksx. but i m enjoying single hood and every moment of it. i say this not to make myself feel better. honestly. i feel so free.
and right now. i have more important things to worry about and to do well in. studies, work. life.countless stuff.

sometimes i wish i werent so pessimistic abt life.
or maybe i just want to be prepared for the worst n dwell in sadness.
morbid. but true. haha

alright..good luck for exams everyone!
n i'll bury myself in books once again
till next time

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