oh man so long since i blogged!!
these weeks are just filled with trainings. it was interesting though to hear from people who worked in various parts of the world. other than that, i am officially a full time couch potato. had to dig through ancient folders to find some random photos to plaster here.. i haven even been going out and photo whoring much! some days i wake up to such emptiness.. not much satisfaction in life. 꿈없어, 재미없어. ( It's boring to be without a dream)
Well, i am slowly working towards mine. or at least i choose to believe so.
But that aside, i am enjoying time alone.
Sometimes i wonder if people get together because they are lonely and need a companion.
oh the poohies sing!
the toys have their own toys!
oh and its been a while but i met miss linh sometime back! love her hair!
hope u r doing fine :)
till next time all!! (wonder when that will be) maybe after i finish more dramas.
can't wait for korea man. 아참!