Sunday, July 08, 2012

Now that i got myself a laptop like finally, i hope i will blog more.
Korean class was fun the other day. The teacher brought makoli and plum wine. And as all of you know, i cant drink. Or rather, i turn red once i drink. So i took a sip of the most coveted plum wine and viooolaa...turned red in class. jin jialat
Cant wait for the korea trip in Septemeber.
I need to stop spending $$$. So weak when it comes to clothes.

Weekends are always so short and so fleeting. Eat, sleep and eat.
Well but i am feel like dreadful towards monday.
This nightmare should end soon i guess. Not worth the effort or tears.
I just try to think simpler and hope lesser these days so i stay happy.:)
have a great week ahead all!

Saturday, June 09, 2012

why should i let others determine my worth?
Not gonna let these people who dont know better get me down:)

Friday, May 25, 2012

I need to eat. Not trying to be funny but i think i need to eat and i really hate to lose weight. I know some of you are like rolling your eyes. But i think i already look haggard. So if i lose more weight, i am gonna look like tecko zombie. Dont have time for breakfast. Lunch sux and barely ate the rice i bought today > It's true- you cant eat and work at the same time.
Monday is gg to be horrible. I can sense it coming already
김탁구 처럼 살거야..
김탁구is this cute guy in this korean show ( bread master). He is like a simple and nice guy.
Anyhow, happy weekend all ( sadly, sunday is going back work)
Still, happy weekend all. haha

Thursday, May 24, 2012

그 사람 날 웃게 한 사람

One of those days i decide to take half a day off to go for facial and cut hair. At prolly one of the lowest point of life. Haiz. never felt this bad and disheartened.Well, lets not take about the bad. Anyhow, managed to dig some photos to post. Dont take much photos these days. Looking haggard anyway. Well, at least i started korean classes again. Something to look forward to. Prolly shall go sell bowls in Dongdaemun soon.  
 Someone sent me this. Thought was quite cute.
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Saturday, March 03, 2012

Dog story

Adopt a dog today!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

*blow dust* i think this blog is dying at my hand.. Barely have time to do much. heh. Weekends are busy in a different way
I couldnt help but feel i haved aged CONSIDERABLY since i joined PE.
This photo was taken when we just got together i guess. Hasnt been too long ago but i think i looked much older now. SIGH..maybe i need to go for botox soon eh. or a complete makeover? lol

The wolf pig is going for reservist soon. March is gonna be terrible cos i will be covering the whole of Aromatics? Eh..wish me luck... seriously..
Saw on FB that a old friend is studying in korea for 2 yrs..*envious*.. its one of those things i wished i could do but dont have a chance to..unless i quit my job. boo*
haiz, life accelerates when you are in your twenties man..
So where do we go from here?
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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy CNY 2012

Long time since i blogged? well, i haven been taking photos these days, hence there isnt much photos to plaster here.
life is well. normal.[ to be honest, my life is boring. i spend most of my time working or reading korean. ok and shopping-can't do without this]
Happy CNY all:)
never a fan of visiting but these days, i kinda value the yearly visiting. And its a blessing to be doing yearly visiting. Many thing changes within a year.
Anyhow, I especially like the days before CNY where everyone goes into a shopping frenzy. And like what mum says " whats CNY without the crowd and the shopping?" [hence, the feeble attempt to justify my dwindling bank account.]
This year's CNY is kinda short but nevertheless, have a good one all!