Sunday, July 08, 2012

Now that i got myself a laptop like finally, i hope i will blog more.
Korean class was fun the other day. The teacher brought makoli and plum wine. And as all of you know, i cant drink. Or rather, i turn red once i drink. So i took a sip of the most coveted plum wine and viooolaa...turned red in class. jin jialat
Cant wait for the korea trip in Septemeber.
I need to stop spending $$$. So weak when it comes to clothes.

Weekends are always so short and so fleeting. Eat, sleep and eat.
Well but i am feel like dreadful towards monday.
This nightmare should end soon i guess. Not worth the effort or tears.
I just try to think simpler and hope lesser these days so i stay happy.:)
have a great week ahead all!

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