Saturday, January 22, 2005

exciting day today...kailing e great..ya "the great" almost "fainted" from a shock.. haha

the invincible fortress of kailing e great is down after so so many years.. haha in a good way of course... no one probabaly knows wat i m talking abt.. haha thats e whole point aniway=P

3 weeks after my brother shoved my teddybear at my ear, it is still bleeding=(
now u know wats so bad abt having multiple ear piercing..bleah

haha oh chi new year... hmm if u all coming means i must clean up my house..very lazy lei...oh ya aloy.. a wig will b cool.. but wait my dad thinks how come i befriend a transvesitte how? haha

now must pretend and attempt to mugg... its hard. haha but i'll try

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