stone. i win.
that's my mood anyhow. stone.
everyday i go to work, come home, feel very very tired, eat watch tv and then slp.
this cycle repeats for 5 days. and when fri comes, the mood gets a little better but often, i'm too tired to go out and play also.
somewhere along the way, i think i lost alot of my zest and that craziness i used to have. i dont really meet up with friends or talk as much to friends. my handphone is as good as useless.
and then poei went back to melb so taptap and lala are bored again.
i love sat. it's my fave day of the week.
other than that, my other excitment comes from online shopping. the cheap thrill of the unknown. when u buy something and receiving it.
fri we go to ikea.

and it's 0.75 of a year. thanks for everything. i have already realise not too long ago, i am a terrible gf.

goodness there's a melancholic note in everything i wrote today.
tomorrow i am going to find a cave and sleep and stone and run away from evryone