Wednesday, February 11, 2009

the thin thin line

life's really so fragile
all those stuff about cherishing your loved ones
don't mean a thing until reality deals you a cold hard blow.
we are so busy and caught up with our own stuff that we don't even have the time to pause and look around and show some care and concern or warmth to the people around us.
we fuss over insignificant stuff, we stress ourselves with work, school, affairs of the heart.

you know, having something to fuss or stress about isnt so bad after all because you still wake up to the beautiful daylight.
some people don't.
i remember chinese new year 2 weeks back. i saw my uncle. he was well and alive.
and last night i heard he has passed away.
i think my dad must be very sad. because they were very close.
everything felt so sudden. so sudden that it's scary.

slowing down, i think about the little things that make life great
and i wouldnt change a thing about it

cherish. yes. thats the word.
apologies for all these depressing stuff.
havent had the best week.

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