Wednesday, August 22, 2007

greetings from NUS com lab. at 6.11 pm.
i spent 10 hours in school today. 8am-6pm. hohoho. i told u i love school.
yesterday was in school from 12pm-9pm.5 hours of staring at a microwave size controller. that plus last week. = 10 hrs. and the worst thing is the controller went haywire midway, and they couldnt fix it. so i have to go back on fri to finish the experiment. now can u imagine 12hrs of staring at ur microwave. haha

and it's a different feeling as compared to staying in school. when i was in staying in campus in US. during my free time btw lessons, i can go back to sleep, play Maple, do laundry, walmart.. whatever. here. i keep seeing the same thing.the same people. and so. i pretty much stone. and talk to people. or walk from engine to arts and arts to YIH then YIH to engine.. looking for books. and sometimes i hang out in the com lab. doing nothing. ok. checking out the exchange students. i am actually pretty tempted to talk to the exchange students in my class..the one from denmark seems pretty cool.
yup somehow the days got through doing random stuff.

so anyway I saw CRYSTAL GOH TODAY! like finally. the cool thing was she just msg me in the morning abt how she was just thinking of me. so anyway. i can't wait to meet everyone on finally.......i dont have to hang out in NUS...........................................
really random stuff. i m pretty much dead tired now...but one gd thing that came out of the day is that i guess i finally decided on which class to take.
making decision really bothers me.but i guess this is part of growing up.
haha. theoretically i bid for 26 credits worth of class. dam screwed up. and my FYP is really like lost in translation. and now theres the dumb tutorial registration problem. *&%*$(^#)%##($#!***.

gonna walk from engine( ok it means engineering building ) to arts again. to buy my books. the reason for my linger here. is to avoid the traffic jam on the ECP.
* long sigh*

*counting down to friday*

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