Ok i guess some of u are wondering what milestone the previous blog was all about.
Turns out..it's actually just the 6th month for the tuptup and i.
Ok i guess.. six months is pretty long for me. Judging by the amount of time i had actually stayed in relationships.
We met in the most conventional manner. Class. HaHa. Honestly, it wasn't love at first sight. DUH. HAHA. For myself, i just sorta got out of an ambiguous, heartbreaking and disappointing affair.HAHA.For him, he just got out of a disappointment-plagued relationship. SO. We became project mates, and spent time musing about love theories, and of course not forgetting about peak oil theory at times. (MAybe thats why we only got a B for that class) . I was going bonkus with my cooling tower design, he with his FYP on i dunno what.HAHA. So i thought we were really good friends, meeting up for ocassional meals and studying sessions, till one day he made a mess in expressing how he felt and i had to complete the sentence for him. (HAHA)
So anyhow, the rest are grandma stories.
6 months later, i realise he is a lao kok kok! HAHAHAHA. Too late, got onto the pirate ship already, cannot get down.
Anyhow, my laptop has died on me again, this time round i suspect, it's e dumb battery. Speaking of which, we got a new camera recently! The tuptup's brother went to Japan, so we decided to get him to help us buy a camera(Canon Ixy 20) which is supposedly cheaper there. It's pink and chioer than that ugly monster u see me carrying around.
So friday night, we dressed up for the 6th month. Chummy photos.
On the Train. Testing out the new camera.
Went to clarke Quay for some Japanese Ramen, followed by desserts at Ricciotti for some Riso and ricciotti and some drinks and bear dancing at ChinaOne.
I thought i saw some cute guys- turns out, like girls, some guys only look good in the dark.
Ramen! Yummy!!! Mine has chicken karage and tasty egg. I love Jap food.
Taptap is happy with her meal. So is Tuppy.
Posing outside the restaurant. Ichibantei/.
Sat we baked bread pudding( as requested by tuppy's mom) and banana muffin.
Watched the movie, Taken, an action flick which i thought was pretty good albeit a little disturbing and makes me not want to go to Paris anymore. Dont think the movie is released yet, but definitely worth the watch. Simple plot (not those highly intricate plot that makes u go "????") and u feel the joy as those scumbags get annihilated byNiam Neeson. And for once,Tuptup and i sat through a show without making much comments. HAHA
Sunday, is sleepy time. Needed a good long rest and recharge for the long week ahead. =/