Thursday, June 28, 2007

decision making is a painful process
especially when there are nuances of grey .
there are times i wish i am given no choice. this way, there will be no room for regrets or whatsoever. whatever it is, we will never know how things will turn out if we had gone on the other side and taken the other path, and so no matter what there will be regrets. sometimes, maybe it's really true that decision are made in that split second when the choices are presented to you. the one your instinct or gut feeling is telling u to take, but yet when u sit down and let things run through your mind, hesitation sets in. It's a tug of war between rationality and emotions.

i dont really know what i have been doing these days but i feel that i dont have enough time to do my stuff. i have to make the top 20 list. write my SEP essay on my exchange program. submit my Ia report. blah blah blah.

ok this is from sharon. i m really lazy to upload mine. haha

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