Tuesday, February 26, 2008

i guess these days i only have horrible stuff to blog about. tuesday saw a half dead taptap crawling out of bed with 4 hrs of sleep to get to the singapore refinery for an excursion exclusively for students of CN4201 . pungent smell and climbing of a 8 storey high tower<-- not for the faint hearted and those afraid of heights. but that sums up the not so glamorous job of chemical engineers.
so with the taptap doldrum, i start getting more mean. While there is 1,2,3, who make my day, on the other extreme of the spectra lies 98,99,100. People i dislike. i am not sure if dislike is putting it mildly. 98 has pretty much sowed the seed of hatred in me. I have been tolerating his nonsense for 2 years. It has come to the point i asked him to "F off". But u know what, even after using the most crude language ever, he doesnt get it. He still think i have something for him. Here 's an example:
" till this day, i would still love to be the silent driver who drives you to no where...............you still make me feel soft and fluffy inside when ever i see you around in school......"

to that, i replied :"F*** off"
I can bet u that he is gonna continue sending those lame msg. Like " oh i am sorry..blah blah blah...i won't do this again..blah blah blah.
I swear, if 98, 99, 100 show their fugly face in front of me, i might smack the daylight out of the with a plastic water bottle. Ok scratch that, i will use a metal rod instead. I am serious about this.

I think when i meant ugly, it usually refers to both a person's appearance and his/her heart. Thats when i say i am ugly. I look half decent and i am not the nice kind of girl.
But i reckon, there are always uglier people around. And i have had first hand experience with girls of an ugly face and ugly heart. or guys even.But then again, who am i to judge people.

And finally, if you have a problem with me, don't bother telling me. After all, it's you problem not my problem.

I am so asking to be killed. I know.
But Somehow
Im still alive inside
You took my breath
But i survived
I don't know how
But i don't even care

I've got this song stuck to the back of my head. And no, this song isnt dedicated to anyone.

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