Friday, August 01, 2008

Here we go again

I think my mood follows that of a sine curve perpetually. So sometimes i linger at the 0,180 and 360 deg and hence the gloomy posts. (270 means i have lost it. haha).
Just in case anyone is wondering, the previous post didnt refer to anyone i knew in particular. Rather, it was a thought i had after reading about a post of angst in a girl towards someone. Makes me wonder, if there is really right and wrong in a relationship.

Blog surfing also made me realise that most of the time, we blog for a particular audience. In general, I think reading about yourself being cast in a negative way isnt exactly the best feeling.

[ to divert(as always), someone told me my english not very good on my blog. Apologies ok! when i blog, i dont proof read and i have to agree my english not really the powerful and i do make stupid grammatical and tenses error]

Well, i dont exactly feel like blogging about unhappy stuff in my life. Hmm but i have been doing weird stuff like making DIY bling bling earrings for myself. So if u see me wearing weird looking earrings, yup those are the DIY kind. And also, exploring biore pore pack with tweety, who was visibly amazed with it. Or rather, the amount of blackheads he had.

Someone taught me how to do collage without using photoshop. So here goes a really random one: PINK! haha oh ya like i mentioned in a post that i think i deleted. My com crashed a while back and i lost quite alot of photos and stuff from the past cos i didnt really back them up. So these are the remnants. .But oh well..some memories stay in ur heart...

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