Tuesday, January 30, 2007

work now involves mugging notes and manuals, watching video on gas chromatography and sampling system. as if there isnt enough to learn and remember, today, i was handed more manuals--that somehow reminds me of what an electrical engineer should be reading. it is not helping that i have no idea what the diagram is about..all those little boxes and pipelines. and of course it isnt helping that i spent my time in a reverie most of the time, my mind wandering off to some other land and most of time, i fall asleep at my desk.hahaha

i really hope my supervisor dont test me on those stuff..else i will be dead meat. But it really isnt fun reading hundreds of pages of stuff everyday.. and i dont really know if i really need to know all those stuff or is he just finding some stuff to occupy my time.

well at least tomorrow he is bringing me along to some meeting and plant visit. lets just hope i have time to mugg those stuff he asked me to read lest i seem like a bimbo.

that aside
i had a ghastly phone bill of 234 dollars last month
no. not to call my friend in US
some monster wrecked havoc.
ok not funny

now after coming home from work. i must read up of HR 2002..must do project.
such is life.

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