Wednesday, August 24, 2005

mid week
half dead.

sometimes u just need to open ur eyes. look around u. it really isnt that difficult to see. who is true to u. u know. sometimes i think cynicism gets e better of me. yet sometimes i cldnt help but feel this shallowness in pple.

no one's perfect in this world.

on e train. i saw this rather cute little boy. who was mute n deaf i think. n i couldnt help feeling sad n having this weird feeling. are we made to be the way we are for some special reasons?ok that sounds kinda like spiritual stuff. that aside, sometimes. we hanker for too many things in life,lament at our own imperfections. failures,worries and sadness. that we did not bother to take a look at people n things around us. if we did.maybe we will not take things for granted too much. or complain n whine at the slightest stuff like going to school. doing homework. having tests.

sometimes u just gotta take life as it is. but not for granted.
n accept ourselves and other for the way we are.

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