Sunday, February 25, 2007

my project group made the fatal mistake of assuming i can write and talk well.
not only do i have to come up with most of the report. which i did. although i m reading it with disdain now.
but i guess the reason why i feels horrible is predominantly because i feel like i am not doing a good job, not living up to my own expectations and theirs.
now, the worst thing is. i have to do part of the presentation as well.

maybe i need to learn how to cope with stress n getting depressed too gets a little hard maintaining a facade and feeling like a lone crusade.staring into space isn't working as a sense of emptiness stared back at me.

i guess i need a greater sense of optimism in it.period.
to seek a balance between realism and idealism.

and you really wonder what i am getting at

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