Thursday, March 08, 2007

uncles were talking about what kind of job i should go for when i graduate.
some discourage me from engineering. (i agree, its unglam) one say be an air stewardess or actress( thanks uncle. u flatter me but i know my own caliber only too well) .some say pharmaceutical industries.some say marry a good and rich guy(they exist?)

that life, growing up is about making decisions, and often, having options may not a good thing. but i guess. one can only decide and never look back.because no matter what choice u make. chances are u will have some regrets. because u will never know what things will be like if u had taken the second path.

that raffles is really a branding. because uncles are very impressed i came from raffles junior college. and they assume i am smart. but coming from the top college really doesnt mean much ultimately when u go to work.but i am proud to be a rafflesian.

it's amazing that these days, i am the one telling people not to worry and giving people assurance.
like the techincians got a little stressed over some stuff and i actually told him not to be so stressed and worried.
i say it is amazing because i am known to be a pessimist rather than optimist.i wonder if i was putting on a facade sometimes
but i guess, there's too many things in life we cannot control. and i dont really think about whats gonna happen in the future. because honestly, whats the point? que sera sera

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