Thursday, April 26, 2007

was watching mtv TRL live on tv..
Dam i miss NYC.. hard to believe that a few months back, i was right there, at times still feels very familiar. walking up and down 5th ave, times square, madison ave, wall street, eating dunkin donuts and cold stone ice cream..standing alone at chinatown in NYC for 30 min. i was alone, in new york, at chinatown subway station, waiting for daryl n nick tan. probably the longest 30 min i spent. i didnt feel very afraid despite the fact i was in a place not knowing how to go back, now knowing anyone. just a little surreal and maybe yes,a slight tinge of fear

i'll go back to visit the states someday. to VEGAS(haven been there). NYC, chicago, SF and Florida. Phildaephia.ok iowa. some of my favorite cities.
add that to finland. mexico. europe. brazil.. i'll visit all my SIE friends. ok there's 101 more places actually.
miss those days.
everything's average and predictable these days.

maybe i like changes. i don't like commitment. i adore freedom. roaming the world. there's so much more out there. there's so much more to life. gotta start doing more planning what i want to..else dreams will remain frozen in the mind.

fear is only in our minds ,
taking over all the time

not exactly in the best of moods these days
whenever i ponder about the future and other stuff in life. i am lapsing into the comfort of monotony and feeling adrift with a senseless ennui sometimes. someday nothing appeals to me.
on a brighter note, tomorrow is friday!! movie time + some stoning and chilling.

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