Monday, July 09, 2007

ok am writing my SEP essay now...and the feeling is weird. a tinge of sadness.......sigh..miss those days , miss the people, miss the school. I want to go SEP again. haha
sigh. anyway back to NUS today
set foot at the engineering building after one year or more away from it. no i didnt miss it.
and a wave of nausea overcame me. haha. and it took me a short while to figure my way around. And on the way i discovered many laboratories that i never knew existed. bleah.
ironically, today was e graduation ceremony for the Industrial Engineering people.
So NUS people..pardon the BORING pics of the school. it's for the non-NUS people to see

The most horrible flight of stairs i must run up whenever i am late for lectures. And i am like late rather often. ISE graduation ceremony. The BORING engineering buliding. There are many many more boring engineering buildings and labs that i didnt bother taking.
And yay meeting mummee for lunch tomorrow! haven seen her since we took the flight back to Singapore.
Sigh anyway, FYP HAS STARTED. My postgrad student has sent me loads of stuff to read.He seems like a pretty nice guy(I hope he is). But It feels like school started early.No more idling blogging(senselessly) that much, watching korean shows(will still watch but not so much la), shopping and Can't go out that much anymore( can still ask me out though.haha). gotta spend my time reading up some stuff and starting the project soon. Goodbye holidays. Year 4 is probably gonna be horrible. but i guess one has gotta do what one gotta do. But admist FYP, i will take the effort to spend time with the one i love.I'll plan my time well. I can only comfort myself that life's more fulfilling this way. Work and play instead of just senseless playing n wasting time.Although i am not complaining the stress-free and carefree life it has been the past few days. If only, it could be longer.

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