Saturday, July 14, 2007

i don't like reading articles.Articles of 10-20 pages long of many weird and bombastic scientific terms are just painful to read.
i don't like researching on stuff(esp when there are 10001 articles correlating to your search). Right now as i am typing this, i am seeing stars and feeling unwell from starting at the screen for so long.
Reminiscent of biomedical project days. I dont know what i am reading and what i am doing. geez
Sizzler later with some of the class people. Reminiscent of Florida Days where the breakfast buffet cost just $3.99 USD. Over here, i just checked the menu, one plate of Terriyaki chicken cost $19.99 SGD.
I sound like i am hard at work, but honestly, it's been unproductive and it doesn't help much that i have inherited some sort of piggy-disease of sleeping 10 hours a day and feeling sleepy yet again after meals and reading some stuff. Not good.Sigh.

With you, every road has a different light and turning

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