Thursday, September 20, 2007

crys says she has 4 tests after mid term
the last time i checked i have 0. which is weird.
there dont seem to be much things for me to do or study for. which is weird.
i am not even studying as much as i did in the past few sems in NUS or ISU cos there's nothing for me to study for. no tests. finished my assignments. except a term paper n lab report. which i can't start on yet. and my post grad student has stopped asking me to go to the lab.
ok i know as i m saying this. some of u out there will be wondering " what the hell is she complaining about then?"
like i said. i rather have some constructive things to do n not waste my time.

although there are many little and minute stuff at the back of my mind which i really should stop procrastinating and start doing them NOW.

i shall go study for a test in November then. or start writing my FYP report which is due in December.

and when morning comes
it was over before it begun

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