Sunday, September 30, 2007

So, mid-sem break came and went away.

At least i m pretty much done with all those term papers, reports and essays--due 2 weeks later actually. I proclaim doing lab reports the most senseless and brainless thing and a waste of time. I just spent one morning compiling that 50 pages of report and i highly doubt the TA is gonna read through that 50 plus pages of (crap) stuff.

Sometimes i feel that right now, life pretty much feel like a routine, be it when i was working or in school now-- Dreading Monday, going to class, seeing the same people, study, doing the same stuff, and then anticipating weekends. And then as weekend fades away, then the whole cycle repeats itself and it's like ok, here we go again. It's almost like some kinda choreographed routine. What is it that we seek at the end of every day and at the end of this whole routine?
There are times when i really feel like just jetting off to a world of my own, forgetting about yesterday, today and tomorrow. If only..

I am fine and i plan to keep it that way

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