Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I would be lying to say i feel nothing
It hurts..the feeling is not good.
Trust has been broken.
Lies. Painful.
A sense of disillusionment.
There's really nothing left to be spoken.Nothing left to hold on anymore. I have too strong a pride to tolerate such things.

Still i give u all my blessings.
Poei is back. Which is good. I told him everything. And then we talked abt random stuff, played maple, went to pierce our ears (yes i have 7 now and now both the evil bro and the real bro has a piercing). Feels alot better.

But there's one thing i am certain.
My conscience is clear. I didnt do anything wrong. And i did all i could.
I will walk out of this, a stronger and better person.

"Love is kind. It's not supposed to hurt. But I'm now so used to it hurting that it feels off when it doesn't hurt. Like there's a hidden surprise waiting to spring itself. I don't like surprises; unpleasant ones, that is"--O.C

I can relate to this totally.

"Et tu Brutus?"

Enough is said.
What i need now really, is some peace and quiet.
Life goes on no matter what, tomorrow when we wake up, it will be a brand new day. A fresh new start.

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