Saturday, December 08, 2007

We walk through our life every single day, but most of us would never learn to appreciate and cherish the simplest thing in our life. Most of us fail to realize that many a times, the simplest thing in life is often the most beautiful.
Just waking up to a brand new day, just seeing the people you love, being around them, or having them in your heart, and knowing that that they are doing well. Being able to do the things you want to, going to school, being able to walk down the streets and looking up at the pretty sky above you.
But i couldn't agree more that there are just so many things we have no control over. "If only", " I wish"-questions and thoughts that never fail to flow through us.

I always believe that it is fate that brings people together. And that there has to be a reason why people walk into your life or go away. There are people who go away and gets forgotten. But there are some whom you will always keep close in your heart, remembering them for their grace and how beautiful they are, and how they have shined upon your life in one way or other.

*ok edited this post because people seem to be speculating on some crap.

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